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This component of the Adult Supervision Units provide for specialized supervision of sex offenders
using three (3) different state mandated evidence based risk instrument tools to assess risk of re-
offense by adult males. These tools assist in determining supervision levels and the use of other case
management tools, such as GPS or polygraph examinations. An interdisciplinary offender management
model known as “The Containment Model” is utilized. This approach reflects a specific, case-by-case
strategy that includes a consistent multi-agency philosophy focused on community and victim safety,
and a coordinated individualized case management and control plan. The underlying philosophy of the
Containment Model is that management of sexual offenders must be victim-focused and that each
sexual crime has significant potential for immediate and chronic harm to direct victims, their families
and our community. A multi-disciplinary case management team meets on a monthly basis to monitor
each offender’s progress. The case management activities include three (3) inter-related, mutually
enhancing activities. These include community supervision approaches that are specific to each
offender’s individual “offending behaviors”, specialized sex offender treatment, and polygraph
examinations to determine pre-conviction sexual behaviors and compliance with T&Cs of probation.
Caseloads comprised exclusively of offenders who have committed domestic violence
offenses and who are assessed as a moderate-to-high risk to re-offend are assigned to
DPOs as part of the Domestic Violence Review Court. Offenders must complete a 52-
week Batterers’ Intervention Program. DPOs complete lethality assessments, make
regular home visits, remain in contact with victims, and attend weekly Court hearings to
review the offender’s progress on probation and in treatment.
The Targeted Gang Intervention (TGI) program provides enhanced supervision of offenders identified as
gang members, associates, or affiliates, and assessed at a high level of risk to re-offend, as well as to
oversee the use of GPS technology for the highest risk TGI offenders. The DPOs in this assignment carry a
caseload of up to 50 offenders and are deployed in each of three (3) geographic regions of the
County. They work in close collaboration with local law enforcement to enhance supervision and promote
a higher degree of community safety. Evidence based interventions such as, cognitive behavior therapy
(CBT) provide the targeted population with alternatives and strategies to encourage a modification of
their behavior to enhance the likelihood of success in completion of probation terms; reducing the need
for local incarceration/detention or prison commitments.
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