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The Probation Department utilizes traditional supervision services in conjunction with specialized
programs (such as Substance Abuse Treatment Court [SATC], Mental Health Treatment Court [MHTC],
Veterans Treatment Court [VTC], Domestic Violence Caseloads, Targeted Gang Intervention, and Sex
Offender Supervision) to supervise adult criminal offenders. Additionally under the 2011 Public Safety
Realignment Act, specialized caseloads have
been established to provide supervision for the
realigned felony population.
The level of supervision each offender receives
is based upon an evaluation of the risk to
reoffend in the community and services needed
as identified by an evidence-based screening
tool, the Adult Risk Initial Screening Tool
(ARIST) and if indicated by the ARIST, the more
extensive Correctional Offender Management for Profiling Alternative Sanctions (COMPAS) assessment
is conducted. Case plans are developed accordingly to promote the achievement of milestones and
support success. Probationers who present the highest risk to the community receive the most
intensive supervision.
Adults released on probation in the community may have spent some time in the County Jail as a
condition of probation and may be required to participate in drug and alcohol programs, cognitive
behavior therapy treatment programs, counseling, vocational training and/or job placement programs.
Referrals to evidence-based programming are submitted by the probation officer and attendance is
monitored. A probationer may be contacted at home, on the job, or in the community, and in
addition, may be required to submit to drug testing and to permit search of his or her personal
property for contraband. Certain high risk probationers may be monitored electronically by Global
Positioning Satellite (GPS) or Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM). The payment of
restitution to victims and the collection of fines and fees are also important tasks for supervision DPOs.
SUPERVISION (AB109, 2011 Public Safety Realignment Act)
Public Safety Realignment brought two (2) additional populations under the jurisdiction of the county.
The first is the Post Release Community Supervision (PRCS) population of offenders who have served a
prison commitment for non-violent, non-serious felonies and who are not deemed to be high risk sex
offenders. The second population consists of offenders convicted for defined non-violent, non-serious,
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