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non-sex (NX3) felonies who will serve their sentences locally, and can be subject to a mandatory split
            sentence of post-sentence supervision (PSS) by Probation as ordered by the Superior Court.

            PRCS and PSS cases are supervised with an enhanced 40:1 offender to officer ratio.  A COMPAS risk and

            need assessment and a case plan is completed within the first 21 days of supervision and referrals are
            initiated based on the criminogenic needs identified, including referral to the Probation Report and
            Resource Center (PRRC), GPS, or other specialty programming.  During the first 90 days of supervision,
            in addition to office visits, administrative, or Compliance Response Team (CRT) contacts, weekly field
            supervision contacts are conducted with an emphasis on non-business hours.  Upon completion of the

            initial 90 day re-entry period, the offender’s supervision standards are reassessed based on their
            progress and the results of
            the risk/needs
            assessment.  High risk
            offenders are supervised at
            the highest level of

            supervision.  Medium and
            low risk offenders will be
            transitioned to a lower level
            of supervision as dictated by

            the nature of the offense,
            and specialized legal or
            programming requirements, and their risk score.

                    The County’s Realignment Plan is available on the Probation Department website at
                           under “CCP”.


            Since  March 1996,  the Probation  Department has collaborated in the operation  of a  Drug  Court
            Program known as SATC, in conjunction with  the Court,  the  District  Attorney’s Office, Behavioral
            Wellness (BW), the Public Defender’s Office and community-based treatment service agencies.  The

            goal is to reduce recidivism and substance abuse amongst non-violent offenders and to rehabilitate,
            yet hold participants accountable for their actions, using tools such as:
                 Judicially monitored phase advancement;
                 Mandatory periodic drug testing and supervised treatment; and

                 Graduated rewards and sanctions.
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