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The Post-Plea SATC program targets substance abusing offenders who are at high risk to re-offend. This
            program relies upon countywide networking and cooperation of County agencies for support and

            If an offender is eligible and agrees to participate, they enter this highly structured treatment program,
            which lasts from 12 to 18 months.  If the offender successfully completes the program, their probation
            case is terminated early and their charges may be dismissed.  Conversely, more traditional handling is
            reinstated if the offender fails to attend the program, or if urine testing repeatedly indicates the
            offender is using drugs or alcohol.

            A Pre-Plea track is also available for medium to low risk offenders, misdemeanor or first time eligible
            felony offenders and offenders with a limited criminal history.  The program design is two prong: 6-9
            months for misdemeanors, and a minimum of 12 months oversight for felonies although treatment
            period may be shorter.  The program encompasses a noncompliance calendar and frequent drug

            testing; and is treatment focused for low risk-high needs offenders.


            The post-plea Dual  Diagnosis (DDX) Court was developed to address  the specific  needs of  those

            individuals dually diagnosed with mental illness and substance abuse.  The DDX program follows the
            SATC model and  the Court’s  efforts are enhanced by supportive collaboration  from  the  Probation
            Department, BW, and local Community Based Organizations (CBOs). This specialty Court allows for a
            higher level of service, which includes more intensive interaction with the clients in an effort to deter
            future criminal conduct and incarceration.


            The post-plea Mental Health Treatment Court (MHTC) is a 12 to 18 month program which can be
            inclusive of 6 months or more of aftercare for offenders who have been diagnosed and are currently

            suffering from a serious and persistent mental illness.  Collaboration among the treatment team
            comprised of the Court, Probation, District Attorney, Public Defender, BW, and CBOs provides for the
            best possible referrals and recommendations to serve this high risk population.

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