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            Results First is a capacity-building
            initiative that provides tools and

            technical assistance to state and local
            governments to implement evidence-
            based policymaking. Results First
            provides a benefit cost model that
            can be customized with County                        RESULTS FIRST INITIATIVE
            specific data to calculate and                       Santa Barbara County

            monetize the benefits of operating a
            program in the County based on its expected effect on recidivism.  The Santa Barbara Results First
            model monetizes recidivism reductions using the marginal costs associated with each part of the
            criminal justice system (victimization, arrest, prosecution, defense, Court processing, jail, probation,

            prison, and parole).  Participation in Results Firsts allows the County to use public safety performance
            data (the degree to which a program or strategy reduces recidivism) and County costs to inform
            decisions about how resources are allocated.


            The Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors endorsed the Results First Initiative on August 27, 2013
            making Santa Barbara the first California County to participate in the Initiative.  The Board recognized
            the need to identify effective forms of recidivism in order to maximize limited jail capacity and staff
            service delivery, as well as the County’s capacity to manage overall public safety expenses.

            Participating in Results First allows the County to use public safety performance data (the degree to
            which a program or strategy reduces recidivism) and County costs to inform decisions about how
            resources are allocated.  By considering benefit cost analysis, the County can identify and invest in
            effective strategies, allowing the County to:

                 Reduce recidivism;
                 Increase the success rates for members of the community receiving post-release services;
                 Increase staff effectiveness; and
                 Generate public support for using high quality cost and performance data to reduce recidivism.

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