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Management and Profiling Alternative Sanctions (COMPAS) risk assessments. Although the Jail
            Assessor’s primary role is to assess inmates, they also assist in determining appropriate alternative
            sentencing approaches and in-custody programming, and they serve as gatekeepers for the Discharge
            Planning Team and re-entry services.  Additional duties include reviewing parole and PRCS revocations

            with offenders and completing the waiver protocol as appropriate. Through the use of the waiver
            process, jail transportation and dedicated court hours for revocations have been significantly
            reduced.  Throughout FY 2015-16, over 253 PRCS revocations were served with at least 84 of those
            resulting in waivers.  Approximately 161 parole revocations were also served with 52 waivers being
            obtained. As indicated above, significant gains were made throughout the past year in achieving
            comprehensive risk assessment throughout the jail population.


            A Discharge Planning Team comprised of personnel from the SBSO and Probation, along with the Public
            Defender’s Rehabilitation Services Coordinators (RSC) and a community based representative,

            coordinate re-entry services at the jail. These discharge planning services include but are not limited to
            residential program screening, coordination and transportation, referrals/linkage with mental health
            and/or public health, referral to and coordination with Collaborative Courts (including Restorative
            Court, Veterans Treatment Court, Substance Abuse Treatment Court, and Mental Health Treatment

            Court), and aftercare coordination with parole agents and DPOs who monitor the inmates upon
            release. The target population continues to be all inmates exiting the jail for whom assistance is
            requested.  The level and extent of assistance is based on their risk and needs as determined through
            the use of COMPAS, an evidence-based screening and assessment tool.  A “Gatekeeper” position has
            been established on the team to receive, screen and assign referrals requesting assistance with
            discharge planning.  Referrals are received from a variety of sources, including the inmate, family

            members and defense counsel.  Each member of the team has a unique target population.

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