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There are 4 steps in the Results First Approach:
1. PROGRAM INVENTORY As a first step, the Results First approach includes the development of a
comprehensive inventory of all funded programs. This comprehensive inventory of
programs allows local stakeholders to compare options in order to identify those that most
effectively achieve outcomes with the best value for taxpayers.
2. EVIDENCE REVIEW Programs in the inventory are then examined to determine which are
proven to reduce recidivism among individuals under supervision. Santa Barbara County utilizes
the Results First Clearinghouse Database which provides information on the effectiveness of
various interventions as rated by eight national research clearinghouses.
3. BENEFIT COST ANALYSIS Identifying the programs that most effectively achieve outcomes with
the best values for taxpayers is achieved by monetizing the local costs related to the return of
an offender to the criminal justice system. In partnership with the Results First team, Santa
Barbara County created a County specific benefit cost model, which estimates long term costs
and benefits of investments in
evidence-based programs. The
information assists the County to
determine which investments will
yield the best and most cost-
effective results.
Equipped with both the research
and cost-benefit information, the
County can now systematically
consider policy decisions with a
clear summary of available
evidence and knowledge of
whether a program is likely to be
an effective use of County
resources known to reduce
1 The Results First Clearinghouse Database is available on line at:
2 Santa Barbara County’s Program Inventory is available online at:
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