Page 8 - Probation Today - Fall 2019
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DIAL 2-1-1                                                     NEXT

          Santa  Barbara  County's  2-1-1  connects  Probation           BROWN
          clients  re-entering  the  community  from  incarceration
          with  immediate  and  long-term  services  and  support!       BAG
          Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
          and  in  150  languages.  Clients  can  dial  2-1-1  or  text
          BACKHOME  to  898-211  for  resource  information  on        Join  us  at  the  next  Brown  Bag!  Provider  partners
          Basic  Needs,  Employment,  Transportation,  Substance       from  Santa  Barbara  County  meet  bi-monthly  to
          Abuse and much more!                                         discuss  topics  of  interest  in  support  of  our
                                                                       community of practice. Participants are encouraged
          Services are also available by dialing:                      to  share  their  experience  and  ideas  for
          800-400-1572                                                 improvement.  Below  are  the  list  of  up-coming
          TTY: 805-919-1148                                            collaborations.

          Or visit Santa Barbara County 2-1-1 website for details:
                           LOCATION             DATE

                                                                       INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE             Dec. 12, 2019
          OPEN                                                         124 W. Carmen Ln

          RECRUITMENTS!                                                Santa Maria
                                                                       Presentation and discussion on intimate partner
                                                                       violence (IPV) and the STOP domestic violence

              We're                                                    SUPPORTIVE HOUSING                          Feb. 13, 2020
                                                                       124 W. Carmen Ln
                                                                       Santa Maria
             hiring!                                                   Tour Good Samaritan and discuss the services available
                                                                       to clients needs in recovery (ex: detox, shelter, clean &
                                                                       sober living).

                                                                       CO-OCCURRING DISORDERS                  Apr. 16, 2020
          We  are  always  looking  for  great  additions  to  our     1136 De La Vina St
          team!  Interested  and  qualified  candidates  are           Santa Barbara
          encouraged to apply. Specific information regarding          Presentation of co-occurring disorders, working with
          any  of  our  openings  are  located  at  the  following     this population, and tour of Sanctuary Center followed
          website link:                                                by Q&A session.

                                                                       NORTHERN BRANCH JAIL TOUR            Jun. 11, 2020
                                                                       Santa Maria
         35TH ANNUAL STAFF                                             Tour of the 376-bed jail facility and discussion of the
                                                                       programming and services available to inmates.

                                                                       Individuals interested in participating or with any
                                                                       questions  can  contact  Probation  Research  &
                                                                       Special  Projects  Manager  Karyn  Milligan  at  (805)
                                         Save the
                                                                       882-3653 or [email protected].

         The  Santa  Barbara  County  Probation's  35th  Annual        Santa Barbara County Probation Department
         Staff  Recognition  Dinner  will  be  held  at  the  Santa    117 E. Carrillo St.
         Ynez Valley Marriott in Buellton on Friday, February          Santa Barbara CA, 93101
         21, 2020.                                                     PHONE: (805) 882-3702

        8                                                                            "Leading the Way to a Safer Community"
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