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FALL 2019



              S A N T A   B A R B A R A  P R O B A T I O N  D E P A R T M E N T  N E W S L E T T E R


       Hopefully, the fall season is bringing not only some cooler weather but new
       opportunities to be embraced. The Department is in a season of change and,
       as  a  result,  we  also  have  a  great  deal  of  vacant  positions  to  fill.  This  can  CHIEF
       create some challenges and requires us to pull together to cover workload,  TANJA
       but it also serves as an opportunity to welcome new people, perspectives and  HEITMAN
       experiences into our Probation family and celebrate with those promoting.

       In  collaboration  with  the  Court,  we  are  not  only  assuming  oversight  of  the
       existing  Pretrial  program  but  we  are  expanding  it  through  a  Pretrial  Pilot
       Grant established through the Governor’s Budget. It is a unique opportunity
       for  us  to  be  a  part  of  a  dramatic  change  in  how  the  adult  criminal  justice
       system  operates,  and  to  be  a  part  of  creating  a  more  equitable  process  for
       determining who has the opportunity to be released from custody during the
       earliest stages of their criminal proceedings.

       The Institutions Division is in the midst of planning the launch of a Trust Unit at the Santa Maria Juvenile Hall. This
       new unit will build upon their incentive-based behavioral program with a focus on Positive Youth Development (PYD).
       The Trust Unit is an opportunity to provide a more home-like environment with added incentives and flexibility for the
       youth. This effort is aligned with our Reimagining Juvenile Justice (RJJ) Initiative where the Juvenile Division and their
       stakeholders are defining the change that they want to see for our community and the youth we serve.

       These  are  all  transformative  initiatives  that  are  redefining  our  role  within  the  criminal  justice  system  while  also
       changing our relationship with those that we serve, as well as our partner agencies. This change is sometimes seen in
       small  incremental  steps  toward  a  larger  goal  and  in  some  cases  as  a  swift  sprint  to  implement  a  new  program  or
       process.  Amidst all the work and somewhat frenzied nature of covering vacancies and shifting assignments, take a
       moment  to  reflect  on  the  opportunities  and  the  difference  that  you  are  making  on  those  around  you  and  our
       community.  Our  focus  on  trauma-informed  care,  therapeutic  interventions,  incentives  over  sanctions  and  reducing
       incarceration is transforming lives and changing our community.

                              “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ― William James

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