Page 22 - Department Overview 2020
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JUVENILE                                             and provides keyless entry and exit within

   INSTITUTIONS                                                 the interior and exterior of the facility.

                                                                The primary purpose of the SMJH is to
                                                                provide a safe and secure environment for
                                                                detained youth while also providing
     SANTA MARIA                                                meaningful interventions, treatment, and

     JUVENILE HALL (SMJH)                                       educational opportunities.

                                                                If a juvenile is detained, a court hearing
     The Probation Department operates the                      must be held within a specific time frame
     Susan J. Gionfriddo Juvenile Justice Center                to determine if continued detention is
     located in Santa Maria. The Susan J.                       necessary. The Deputy Probation Officer

     Gionfriddo Juvenile Justice Center opened                  (DPO) will make a recommendation for
     in April 2005, and expanded the Santa                      continued detention if the youth is a risk to
     Maria Juvenile Hall (SMJH) by adding a new                 themselves, a risk to the community, or
     intake and release area, administration                    likely to flee the jurisdiction of the Court.

     offices, a medical clinic, a Master Control                Following the conclusion of the Court
     Room (MCR), a kitchen, and three (3) 30-                   process, the youth may remain at SMJH
     bed living units. Each unit has two (2)                    until the Court’s disposition.
     classrooms, a counseling room, a

     kitchenette, dining room, dayroom and                      Youth at SMJH are screened at intake and
     outdoor recreation area. The MCR, staffed                  those identified as having mental health
     by an Administrative Office Professional                   concerns are further assessed by Behavior
     (AOP), visually monitors over 95 cameras                   Wellness staff within 96 hours.

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