Page 26 - Department Overview 2020
P. 26


          SERVICES                                            A Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) assigned

           DIVISION                                           to Juvenile Intake will directly refer any

                                                              mandatory referrals to the District Attorney’s
                                                              Office. Non-mandatory referrals are
                                                              reviewed for appropriateness for diversion
      INTAKE                                                  programs or informal handling. If eligible

                                                              and suitable, non-serious offenses can be
      Juvenile Intake refers to the handling of               addressed without any further action. More

      referrals to the Probation Department for               serious offenses are usually referred to the
      delinquent behaviors committed by youth. It             District Attorney’s Office for review for the
      is the first step in the referral process. Most         formal filing of a petition. In many cases,
      referrals are made by local law enforcement             referrals are received for youth who remain

      agencies in the form of an application and              in the community. In other cases, referrals
      affidavit. Referrals can be made for                    are received on youth who were taken into
      delinquent behaviors (commonly referred to              custody for their offenses.
      as 602 offenses) or status offenses

      (commonly referred to as 601 offenses).                 For those youth who remain detained,
      Delinquent behaviors are those that would               referrals are expedited and youth are
      be a crime if committed by an adult while               brought before a judge within legal time

      status offenses are those acts that are only            frames. An evidence-based risk and needs
      illegal for juveniles, such as running away             assessment instrument helps identify the
      from home or not attending school. Various              highest risk cases for re-offending and
      Welfare and Institutions Code (W&IC)                    guides decision-making on appropriate case
      sections govern the operation of the                    planning and dispositions. A shorter version

      juvenile court law and subsequently                     assists as a screening tool at the Intake
      juvenile probation activities.                          level.

       Santa Barbara County Probation Department Overview 2020                                              24
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