Page 28 - Department Overview 2020
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             The Home Supervision Program offers a cost-effective alternative to housing
             youth in a secure environment. It allows youth to remain with their families with

             additional supervision and the opportunity to take advantage of community
             interventions and programs.


             A juvenile record may be sealed by the Juvenile Court when a youth’s case is

             closed successfully or when a youth applies to have it sealed. Specific violent or
             aggravated offenses may preclude a record from being sealed if the youth is
             under the age of eighteen (18). In cases not sealed automatically, the Deputy
             Probation Officer (DPO) conducts an investigation into the behavior of the youth
             since the last Court action and submits a written report and recommendation to

             the Court regarding the record-sealing request. There are no fees to any person
             for the sealing of juvenile records. This includes adults age twenty-six (26) and
             over who are seeking to seal their juvenile records. All agencies maintaining any

             record of the juvenile client must destroy or delete information pertaining to that
             youth when the Court orders the case sealed.


             Youth who are placed on probation are supervised by Deputy Probation Officers
             (DPOs) in the office closest to their residence. DPOs collaborate closely with
             youth, family members, educators, treatment providers, and other persons or

             agencies involved with the youth. DPOs refer youth to various community-based
             programs or services based on their needs. DPOs contact youth at their homes,
             schools, offices, programs, and in the community. Case plans are developed that

             address youth and family needs while taking advantage of existing strengths.
             DPOs target their interventions to the greatest risk and needs factors. This
             evidence-based and strength-based approach seeks to bolster rehabilitative
             efforts, change behaviors, and deter youths from re-offending. Juvenile
             probationers are required to obey the Court and their assigned DPOs. They may

             be required to submit to search of their person and property, and drug and
             alcohol testing. Probation terms are intended to keep youth from engaging in
             illegal or high-risk behaviors and encourage pro-social behavior. Youth who

             violate the conditions of their probation or commit new law offenses can be
             returned to court. Youth may also be required to pay fines and/or restitution to
             victims or complete community service work hours.

      Santa Barbara County Probation Department Overview 2020                                               26
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