Page 20 - Department Overview 2020
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Through the combined efforts of the Deputy Probation Officers (DPOs) Jail
Assessors and Sheriff’s Inmate Booking personnel, 90% of inmates entering the
jail have completed risk assessment scores. These scores, calculated through the
use of evidence-based screening and assessment tools, assist in identifying
clients eligible for alternative detention and programming. Between July 1, 2018
and June 30, 2019, the assessors and jail personnel completed over 1,095 Initial
Screening Tools (IST), over 762 Correctional Offender Management for Profiling
Alternative Sanctions (COMPAS) risk assessments, and completed 1,012
Prohibited Persons Relinquishment Forms (prop-63) with clients.
Although the Jail Assessor’s primary role is to assess inmates, they also assist in
determining appropriate alternative sentencing approaches and in-custody
programming, and serve as vet referrals for the Discharge Planning Team and re-
entry services. These staff also review parole and Post Release Community
Supervision (PRCS) revocations with clients, and are liaisons to Probation in
assisting clients who have a need or desire to utilize the Access Line for
drug/alcohol treatment upon release from custody.
A Discharge Planning Team comprised of personnel from the Santa Barbara
Sheriff's Office (SBSO) and Santa Barbara County Probation, along with the Public
Defender’s Rehabilitation Services Coordinators, and a community based
representative, coordinate re-entry services at the jail. These discharge planning
services include but are not limited to residential program screening,
coordination and transportation, referrals/linkage with mental health and/or
public health, referral to and coordination with Collaborative Courts (including
Restorative Court, Veteran's Treatment Court [VTC], Substance Abuse Treatment
Court [SATC], and Mental Health Treatment Court [MHTC]), and aftercare
coordination with parole agents and Deputy Probation Officers (DPOs) who
monitor the inmates upon release.
The target population continues to be all inmates exiting the jail for whom
assistance is requested. The level and extent of assistance is based on the
individuals risk and needs as determined through the use of Correctional Offend-
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