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Santa Barbara County Probation
FY16-17 Key Measures Summary
Projected to meet Goal/ Target On our way to meeting the Goal/Target
FY 2016-2017 FY 2016-2017
Measure Description Rating
Goal/Target Actual
Institutions Division
20. Successful completion rate for youth 90% 77%
committed to the Los Prietos Boys Camp.
21. Percentage of youth entering the Los 85% 84%
Prietos Boys Camp Aftercare Program with
no new felony referrals within six months
of entering the program.
22. Average rebooking rate for youth 2.0 2.3
entering the Juvenile Hall during the year
23. Percentage of youth on Home 90% 93%
Detention that remain compliant each
Juvenile Division
24. Successful completion rate of youth 75% 72%
exiting probation supervision
25. Percentage of juvenile offenders 80% 84%
without a new sustained petition or
conviction for a felony offense while on
26. Percentage of juvenile offenders 95.2% 97.1%
without a new sustained petition or
conviction for a felony offense within one
year of successfully completing Probation.
27. Average percentage of 8.0% 6.8%
youth in group-foster home placement.
Adult Division
28. Percentage of felony adult 75% 84.3%
probationers that have their probation
case closed successfully.
29. Percentage of realigned adult 92% 89.4%
offenders that have their supervision case
closed successfully.
30. Percentage of felony adults without a 85% 90%
new felony conviction during the term of *Percentage
supervision. Reported Annually
Leading the Way to a Safer Community Page 27