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Santa Barbara County Probation
FY16-17 Key Measures Summary
Projected to meet Goal/ Target On our way to meeting the Goal/Target
FY 2016-2017 FY 2016-2017
Measure Description Rating
Goal/Target Actual
Key Activity Measures
Administrative Division
1. Collect restitution, fines and fees from $3,500,000 $3,317,787
adult and juvenile offenders.
2. Arrange for youthful and adult offenders 15,000 16,172
to provide Community Service Work. Hours Hours
Institutions Division
3. Process admissions of youth to the 1,230 1,242
Santa Barbara Booking Station, Santa Admissions Admissions
Maria Juvenile Hall and Los Prietos Boys
4. Average number of youth housed on a 105 106
daily basis at the the Santa Maria Juvenile Average Daily Average Daily
Hall and the Los Prietos Boys Camp. Population Population
5. Provide Home Detention Supervision to 16,000 12,324
youth in lieu of Juvenile Hall. Home Detention Days Home Detention Days
6. Supervise youth in providing productive 34,000 23,137
work hours for the County and community Hours Hours
with youth assigned to the Alternative
Detention Program, Juvenile Hall and Los
Prietos Boys Camp.
Juvenile Services
7. Receive referrals of youthful offenders 3,500 3,150
for felony, misdemeanor, infractions and Referrals Referrals
probation violations.
8. Provide supervision services to youthful 630 630
offenders. Avg. Monthly Number of Avg. Monthly Number
Youth of Youth
9. Complete and submit to the Juvenile 2,550 1,818
Court mandated court reports. Reports Reports
Leading the Way to a Safer Community Page 25