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Santa Barbara County Probation
                       FY16-17 Key Measures Summary

                          Projected to meet Goal/ Target       On our way to meeting the Goal/Target

                                                             FY 2016-2017             FY 2016-2017
                       Measure Description                                                                 Rating
                                                             Goal/Target                 Actual

                                                                                                       Adult Division

             10. Complete Sentencing Investigations on          1,200                      1,371
             all adult offenders.                              Reports                    Reports
             11. Provide supervision services to                 430                        435
             realigned adult offenders.                 Avg. Monthly Number of    Avg. Monthly Number of
                                                              Offenders                  Offenders
             12. Provide supervision services to felony         2,200                      2,227
             adult probationers.                        Avg. Monthly Number of    Avg. Monthly Number of
                                                              Offenders                  Offenders
             13. Provide supervision services to                1,700                      1,695
             misdemeanor adult probationers.            Avg. Monthly Number of    Avg. Monthly Number of
                                                              Offenders                  Offenders

        Effectiveness Measures

             14. Departmental lost time rate.                    5.8%                     6.2%

             15. Employee Performance Reviews (EPRs)            100%                      96%
             completed by the anniversary due date.
             16. Rate of departmental Workers'                  100%                      146%
             Compensation claims filed from the
             previous year's actual claims filed.
             17. The rate of General Liability claims filed     100%                      200%
             against the Probation Department from
             the previous year's actual claims filed.
                                                                                               Administration Division

             18. Background investigations completed             75%                      78%
             within 10 weeks.
             19. IT work station requests completed by           95%                      97%
             requested date.

        Leading the Way to a Safer Community                                                    Page 26
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