Page 4 - Department Overview 2020
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& WHAT WE To promote justice and safety in the
VALUE community through:
Delivering corrections services that
are evidence-based, community
OUR MISSION oriented, strength based, and family
To protect and serve the community Guiding, motivating, and directing
by: clients to take personal responsibility
for their actions and facilitating case
Providing information and plans that support their success in the
recommendations to the Courts; community;
Providing safe, secure, and Maintaining collaborative
effective juvenile detention and partnerships with the Courts, law
treatment programs; enforcement, schools, and community
Enforcing court orders and service agencies;
supervision and release Supporting victims by serving as an
conditions, requiring client informational resource, establishing
responsibility/accountability, and and collecting restitution, and
supporting rehabilitation; and providing balanced and restorative
Supporting victims of crime by justice interventions for the
facilitating reparation and community; and
restitution collection. Encouraging active and informed
citizen and community responses to
Santa Barbara County Probation Department Overview 2020 02