Page 11 - Department Overview 2020
P. 11

ADULT                                           -ion of the offense and the client.

          SERVICES                                               Both Pre-Plea and Pre-Sentence reports

           DIVISION                                            include a discussion of the defendant’s
                                                               eligibility for probation (the law prohibits
                                                               probation in some cases) and a

                                                               recommendation as to whether or not
             COURT SERVICES                                    probation should, in the department’s

                                                               opinion, be granted. If probation

        Adult Court Services provides direct                   supervision is recommended, appropriate
        criminal investigation information to                  Terms and Conditions are also suggested.
        the Superior Courts. This information is               For cases that are no longer statutorily
        provided to the Courts in reports                      eligible for state prison due to the Public

        written by Deputy Probation Officers                   Safety Realignment, the Court will
        (DPOs). Reports are provided in the                    determine whether to sentence the client
        cases of defendants awaiting a                         to serve the entire sentence in local
        judgment of guilt or innocence (Pre-                   custody, with no supervision ordered, or

        Plea reports) or who have been found                   impose a split sentence. Split sentences
        guilty and are awaiting the Court's                    include having the client serve custody
        disposition of their case (Pre-Sentence                time in the county jail followed by the
        reports). These reports include factual                remaining portions of the sentence

        summaries of the offense, a social and                 served under mandatory supervision by
        criminal history of the client, the                    the Probation Department.
        defendant’s statement, the statement of
        the victim or other interested parties,                If a defendant has been sentenced to

        restitution information and an evaluat-                prison and a report has not previously

      Probation Department Overview 2020                                                                    09
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