Page 3 - Probation.Today.Summer.19
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Probation Team
Meet the Santa Barbara County
Pretrial Supervision/Global Positioning System (PTS/GPS) Team!
Previously defendants arrested for offenses listed on the Court’s bail schedule were either considered for release on
their own recognizance (OR) or bail. However, if the defendant could not afford to post bail, he/she would remain in
Currently all bailable defendants are administered The Virginia Pretrial Risk Assessment Instrument (VPRAI), which
scores defendants from 1-9 for risk of recidivism and risk of failure to appear in court, by the Court’s OR unit. The OR
unit submits one of three recommendations: straight OR release, supervised Pretrial release with conditions, or that OR
release be denied and bail be set.
Defendants released on Pretrial Supervision (PTS) come to the attention of
the PTS/GPS unit, which is currently comprised of one Supervising Probation
Officer (SPO), four Pretrial Compliance Officers (PTCO), and three GPS
The PTCOS provide case management and community supervision for
defendants who have been found to be eligible for Supervised Pretrial
Release with conditions, while awaiting further disposition of their Court
matter(s). The PTCOs strive to maximize public safety while ensuring
defendants comply with release conditions, and make their court
appearances. The PTCOS support their clients by scheduling reminder
phone calls via a PTS module for scheduled court hearings and prepare and
Pictured here from Left to right: From Left to Right
file progress and
PTCO Deborah Pena, GPS DPO Bonnie O'Neill,
violation reports, as
Manager Sylvia Talaugon, and PTCO Michael
required. On occasion,
Riserbato .
as directed by the
Court, they also conduct pretrial supplemental evaluation
reports. The PTCOs conduct home/field visits, drug test as
necessary, and coordinate GPS and/or Secure Control Remote
Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM) services as required.
In February 2019, the department’s GPS officers joined the PTS
unit. In addition to assisting the PTCOs, the GPS officers monitor
up to 25 clients each. They attach, enroll, remove and un-enroll Pictured here from Left to right: GPS Sr. DPO Patricia Martinez,
GPS BluTag tracking devices on defendants while monitoring PTCO Wendy Veliz, PTS Supervisor Alejandra Ochoa, PTS Sr. DPO
their tracks through Veritracks. They also review tracks for Post Laura Hernandez, and GPS DPO Roberto DeRobles
Release Community Supervision (PRCS), Sex offenders, Domestic
violence and Gang clients. The GPS and PTCO officers establish inclusion and exclusion zones for the safety of victims
and the community and respond to GPS alerts on a 24-hour basis as they coordinate with the case supervision DPO and
local Law Enforcement agencies. The merging of the GPS and PTS units has created a successful cross-functional team
that adds efficiency and improves coordination of supervision services.
GPS Pilot
In partnership with BetaGov, Santa Barbara County Probation launched a study to understand
the extent to which GPS impacts client behavior during and after GPS. The information from
this pilot will be used to help the Department improve services and supports for future clients
and ultimately help the department determine if this intervention assists our clients to be
crime-free. The trial launched on Monday, June 10 and anticipated to conclude fall of 2020.
“Leading the Way to a Safer Community”
“Leading the Way to a Safer Community”