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The Santa Barbara County Probation Department was established in 1909 and serves the Courts,
assists adult and juvenile offenders in maintaining law abiding lives and provides services to victims.
The type of services provided is determined by the law, the orders of the Court, the risk the offender
presents to the community,
and the needs of the offender
and their family. Probation
Officers and Juvenile
Institutions Officers are peace
officers and have the authority
to arrest probationers and
offenders under supervision if
they commit new law
violations, or if their actions
violate the orders of the Court
or the conditions of their
probation or post release community supervision. In October 2011 the responsibilities of Probation
expanded due to the Public Safety Realignment Act which shifted supervision of offenders convicted of
certain felony offenses from state to county oversight.
This publication will introduce you to the various services provided by the Department. Please visit our
website at:, if you would like additional information regarding Probation
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